C and I for Week May 20th

Report: Suspect in hit-and-run that left Phoenix officer Daryl Raetz dead arrested on drug charge

Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_phoenix_metro/central_phoenix/report-suspect-in-hit-and-run-that-left-phoenix-officer-dead-arrested-on-drug-charge#ixzz2U4PXg4xI


While Asshats lie in DC, Phoenix Police show up BIG for little Tatum Raetz

Illegal alien raped pre-teen girl in Washington, forced her to have abortion
Another police officer killed in Houston by an illegal alien
 Criminal alien allegedly rapes, brutalizes 9-year-old in ‘Sanctuary City’ (Video)
Illegal alien charged with raping 7-year-old girl in Georgia
Illegal alien charged with brutal sexual assault in Connecticut

Schumer-Rubio Amnesty Would Legalize
Tens of Thousands of Offenders

WASHINGTON, DC (May 20, 2013) — The eligibility criteria established for the Schumer-Rubio amnesty, S.744, are so generous that 45 percent of the criminal aliens in ICE’s recent caseload would qualify for legal status, according to the Center for Immigration Studies’ examination of ICE records. Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal convictions, and tens of thousands of aliens with arrests on top of serious immigration violations would be legalized under the provisions of the Gang of Eight bill. The proposed amnesty would significantly curtail ICE efforts to expel immigrants who have been a threat to public safety in American communities, including gang members, drunk drivers, and other offenders considered non-serious by the bill’s proponents.   For more details see: http://cis.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=11002b90be7384b380b467605&id=3763b6978e&e=e71fe49ed1

One of the myriad loopholes in the Senate immigration reform bill could allow illegal immigrants who are known members of criminal gangs to become legal residents.
The proposed law stipulates that prospective immigrants determined to be involved in gang-related activity are inadmissible to country, and that illegal immigrants already living here would be ineligible to receive legal status. This would not only apply to individuals who have been convicted of a gang-related offense, but also to those who “willingly participated in a criminal street gang with knowledge that such participation promoted or furthered the illegal activity of the gang.”
Such individuals (non-convict gang members) could still achieve legal status, however, if the DHS secretary grants them a waiver. All they would be required to do is “renounce” their gang affiliation. Furthermore, the bill’s wording is specific enough (e.g., “willfully participated . . . with knowledge”) so as to provide considerable wiggle room from a legal standpoint.