D.A. King Sept 12th on The Ruthie Report

Please join Ruthie this week Sept 12th, 2013
with GUEST: D.A. King
8 pm CST News and Criminally and or Insane
9 pm CST Guest joins the show.
It is my honor to have D.A. King take time out to join The Ruthie Report
D.A. and Ruthie will be discussing The Dustin Inman Society, what is transpiring in Washington. What he believes the future holds for our nation with regards to any proposed amnesty, what actions he has …. is taking and what we can do to Unite to stop amnesty from transpiring.
This will be a great show!!!
D.A. King on Univision
Illegal immigration is not a complex issue. It is national suicide.
 Listen to this audio interview with D.A. King on NPR, February, 2009.

Common sense on illegal immigration from the Dustin Inman Society

  1. Secure American borders. See the Constitutional charter of the Guard, including Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
  2. Enforce American laws. See the Presidential Oath of Office.
  3. No more amnesties for illegal aliens - or the criminals who employ them. See the article The McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill, by Rich Lowry, TownHall.com, May 27, 2005.
  4. Vote only for candidates, at every level of government, who will make the above their first priority. See the article Immigration could be the hot election issue in 2008.
6:00 pm PST - 8:00 pm CST - 9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520
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