Dave Gibson of the Examiner this week on The Ruthie Report

Please join Ruthie this week Jan 23rd, 2014 8-10 pm CST

Dave Gibson will join the program at the top of the 9:00 O’clock hour
Dave and Ruthie will discuss updates to the Lauren Bump murder and this weeks Criminally and/or Insane news bites…
including Mexico Trying to Stop Texas from Executing Illegal Alien Cop Killer — With John Kerry’s Help
Dave and Ruthie will also be discussing the political front from an illegal immigration stand point
When Dave and Ruthie get together on the Show - Anything can happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave Gibson, a former legislative aide to a state senator, has been working as a freelance writer for many years. His work has been published in many newspapers and magazines including the Washington Times. He believes that the issue of illegal immigration is the most pressing issue of our time and can no longer simply be ignored by our elected officials.


6:00 pm PST - 8:00 pm CST - 9:00 pm EST
Lead Stories - 8pm - Criminally and or Insane - 8:30pm - Guest at - 9:00 pm
Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520
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