Immediate Action Requested - MN

Dear Minnesotan
Apparently - as sources relay to me - there are still those in the MN Legislature that again are trying to pass a Driving Privilege legislative bill prior to the end of this session, without Minnesotans of all political stripes weighing in - YES!!! there are Democrat’s, Republican’s Conservatives’s Constitutionalist’s, Independents and even some liberals - who feel this is WRONG!!!!!
You - who oppose this lawlessness - must be heard from now
The safety issues alone make this - a piece of legislation that should not be pushed thru in a last minute attempt by the Democratic establishment - merely for pandering points. This is a SERIOUS issue…. an issue that those who support and vote for it - WILL NEED TO DEFEND in the future … and the results of their actions, mind you without Minnesotans input.
There are rules within this bill - but seeing the law is not enforced not (driving without a license) why would anyone believe it will be future enforcement. There are so many questions: will those who qualify have to pass a drivers test in English or will those benefiting from such horrible legislation receive translation assistance; seeing that fraudulent residence documentation can be created in a matter of moments - who will be ensuring that this requirement will be investigated; who will be ensuring the FOREIGN identification that can be presented if real or that these individuals are who they say they are: etc. and of course Why does the Democratic Representative so willing support legislation for those illegally in the Country
Please call your Representative immediately - only five days left to the end of this Legislative Session. Tell them NO to drivers licenses/Privileges for illegal alien
Call Representative Karen Clark and share your thoughts with her on legislation she is pushing
Clark, Karen (DFL) 651-296-0294

Click here for MN 348 Points from FAIR
