A Special Thanksgiving Message and this weeks The Ruthie Report Show

Please join Ruthie Thursday, Nov. 17th, 2016 at 10 pm EST, 9 pm CST, 8 pm MST or 7 pm PST

Happy Thanksgiving to One and All

First - There will not be a LIVE show this week due to the airing night being that of Thanksgiving….instead last weeks program with Guest Michelle Dallacroce will be re-aired.

A excellent show discussing Michelle and Ruthie’s ‘rally cry’ to stay engaged.

Please watch for the Dec 1st show announcement and line-up.

Second - Thankful !!!!!

I am thankful for so many things - Hubby, Family and Friends -  Great Fellow Patriots who too have become so much like Family - Patriots standing strong in our quest to end the lawlessness, end illegal immigration and the crimes associated and to Secure Our Border.

What an awesome time to be thankful with the results of this past election and the future that lies ahead.

So much to be thankful for - please enjoy this Thanksgiving Time

From My Family and Myself to You and Your Families


