Jamiel Shaw Sr. - Black Lives Do Matter - The Murder of Jamiel Shaw Jr. on The Ruthie Report

Jamiel Shaw Sr - Black Lives Do Matter …The Murder of Jamiel Shaw Jr. on The Ruthie Report
Please join Ruthie this week ……. Thursday March 26th, 2015 at 9 pm EST, 8 pm CST, 6 pm PST
with Guest Jamiel Shaw Sr.
Please join Ruthie and Jamiel Shaw Sr. for an emotional report on the murder of a rising football star at the hands of an criminal illegal alien - Jamiel Shaw Jr.
Ruthie and Jamiel will discuss his recent testimony before the Oversight and Gov. Reform Panel where he stated and asked….
“My family’s peace and freedom were stolen by an illegal alien from Mexico……
“Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a while police man? The district attorney proved in court that my son was murdered because he was black and wearing a spiderman backpack,” Shaw said.
Ruthie and Jamiel will also discuss the recent town hall at USC where Luis Gutierrez was guest speaker - where Patriots shared with Gutierrez what they thought of him and a town hall conducted all in Spanish
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The Ruthie Report
The father of an American murdered by an illegal immigrant made an impassioned plea to Congress Wednesday to adopt policies to prevent it from happening again.
“My family’s peace and freedom were stolen by an illegal alien from Mexico. He was brought here by his illegal alien parents and allowed to grow up as a wild animal,” Jamiel Shaw testified before an Oversight and Government Reform panel about the murder of his son Jamiel Shaw II at the hands of Pedro Espinoza.
Shaw described how his son was murdered while walking on the street three doors away from his home by an illegal immigrant recently released from jail.
“He shot my son in the stomach and then in the head. Killing him. Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a while police man? The district attorney proved in court that my son was murdered because he was black and wearing a spiderman backpack,” Shaw said.
The grieving father said that he believed that the death could have been prevented. “Jameil shouldn’t be dead,” he testified.
“Why was this violent illegal alien allowed to walk the streets of America, instead of being deported?” Shaw asked. “Why was ICE not called to pick up this violent invader? We were promised that the federal government would keep us safe from violent illegal aliens.”
Shaw referenced the recent uproars over the murders of young African American men and the meme “Hands up. Don’t shoot,” that some have adopted as a rally cry.
“I see in here black politicians, black athletes, black stars say ‘hands up don’t shoot.’ My son was shot in the head by an illegal alien gang banger, while he lay on his back with his hands up. He still shot him through his hand and to his head and killed him,” Shaw said.
He continued, explaining that his son believed he was safe from such violence.
“My son thought he could walk down the street and not be murdered by an illegal alien. That he could depend on the government to secure our borders and keep the bad people out. Yes black families matter, yes military families matter, all families matter. But the duty of the U.S. government is to always put American families first,” he said.
Jamiel’s Life

Jamiel was a happy teenager! He is loved by so many!! He had a smile that could light up your heart. Jamiel was only 17 years old when his life was suddenly taken.

The morning Jamiel was murdered, he participated in an invitational only weekend football training program. This program prepares top high school football players for college football. In addition, it helps prepare the young players for a possible career in the NFL.

Jamiel was enjoying life. He was doing things he loved to do! He played football, basketball, baseball, the piano and he ran track! He attended Church on a regular bases and he read his bible too. A matter of fact, a few days before his murder, Jamiel was asking one of his Aunt’s a bible question about Abraham’s son, Isaac.

Jamiel Andre’ Shaw, II, was brutally assassinated on March 2nd, 2008. In the early evening on March 2nd, Jamiel was returning home from the Beverly Center Mall. He was walking from the bus stop when his father (Jamiel Sr.), called him on his cell phone, “Be right home dad, I’m right around the corner”, he said. He was just three houses from his home when his life on earth tragically ended.

Jamiel was shot twice, although there were three entry wounds. The first bullet went through his hand and then entered his stomach. The second bullet landed in Jamiel’s head. Just twenty to thirty minutes after the shooting, the defendant charged with murdering Jamiel, was found making out in a Culver City Park. He was told by the Officers to leave the park because the park had closed. However, the Culver City Police Officers did write down the license plate number of the vehicle the defendant was in.

Jamiel was always very concerned about his mother, Army Sgt. Anita Shaw, returning home from the war zone!!

He was so looking forward to seeing his mother! Anita did return home early from Iraq, but only to bury her first born Son, who couldn’t even make it home from the Beverly Center Mall in California.

The defendant has a long criminal history and he is a known documented gang member. He was released from jail on the evening of Saturday, March 1, 2008, on prior gun charges. He is charged with murdering Jamiel Andre’ Shaw, II, on March 2, 2008 and he reported to his Probation Officer on March 3, 2008

The defendant was found guilty and received the death penalty