News this Week

Mexico vows to stop vigilante expansion

November 21, 2013 6:23 PM
But violence has continued.
Murillo Karam said the number of bodies found in 16 clandestine graves recently at the border between the states of Jalisco and Michoacan had risen to 31.
The pits were found after authorities detained and interrogated 22 municipal police officers from Michoacan accused of handing over two federal police officers to the Jalisco cartel.
The federal agents were not found in the pits.
Illegal alien killed his cellmate to avoid deportation
Pinal County Sheriff’s Office

Cantor Relentless in Push for Amnesty for Illegal Alien Youth
U.S. House Speaker heartens immigration advocates with new hire

Justice Not Served: Family of Victim Slain by Illegal Immigrant Blasts U.S. ‘Negligence’ for Not Enforcing Own Laws
Dec. 3, 2013 8:23am Sara Carter
Smuggling suspect falls face first into cow manure, arrested
Posted: Dec 02, 2013 5:12 PM CST Updated: Dec 02, 2013 6:36 PM CST
By Jackie Kent


Obamas visit fasting pro-immigration protesters on National Mall: ‘We’re very proud of you’
November 30, 2013 by Janeen Capizola
freedomisfabulous – from freefabulousgirl
Mexican “American” Assassin/Serial Killer Set Free to Live in US
Posted on November 28, 2013 by freegirl100

Are you KIDDING ME…. 17 year old ……drug smuggling apparent anchor baby dreaming cartel hitman - who himself claims to have killed four people - serves three years in a prison in Mexico and then is released and sent to the United States to live free as free as a bird…. Why because Mexico (where this criminal deviant spent most of his life) doesn’t want him there and because his dysfunctional parents had him here. So while our politicians who care more about votes and perceptions - than the safety of the citizenry - stick their heads in the sand and the lame stream media spins the story - YOU AND I get to live amongst this sort of criminality - Makes you wonder just who Washington represents - doesn’t it
White House won’t rule out executive action on immigration
I Want an American Baby! Chinese Women Flock to the U.S. to Give Birth
Lured by U.S. citizenship for their children, thousands of Chinese women give birth annually in the States, supporting a thriving birth-tourism industry
By Hannah Beech Nov. 27, 20130
No jail time for Haitian national who threw her dead baby in a trash can
Recently arrested drug smuggler has already been deported 11 times
Dave GibsonImmigration Reform Examiner


Illegal alien from Iran robbed woman at gunpoint in New York

Stolen Cobalt-60 Found Abandoned in Mexico
MEXICO CITY December 4, 2013

IMMIGRATION: Men in release effort have criminal records
NCFIRE has published 3 new reports for the month of November 2013.
The first one is our monthly crime report by confirmed and probable illegal aliens (57 pages) which can be viewed here:
The second one is a monthly list of confirmed and probable illegal alien absconders from N.C. justice (3,454 total) which can be viewed here:
The third is a list of the confirmed and probable illegal aliens that were charged with or have a court date for child rape, in the month of November (87 total) and can be viewed here:
James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
[email protected]

MNsure reaches Latinos through trusted organizations
During the evening session at Lincoln Elementary, one of the first questions was from 33-year-old Angelica Lopez. Although she and her husband are in the United States without authorization, she wanted to know how to sign up her three U.S.-born children for health coverage.
“My priority right now is my children,” Lopez said. “This makes it easier to choose from more options. This program is a good alternative.”
Obama’s San Francisco heckler revealed as South Korean illegal immigrant