Portland This Is How Out Of Control This Has Become

This is how OUT-OF-CONTROL the lawlessness of illegal immigration has become and spread, and it could all be stopped if our laws were enforced and these pandering liberal progressive idiots (Mayor Wheeler) were charged with either obstruction or aiding and abetting illegal immigration and clamped down on NON PEACEFUL protests.

Here’s the rub….

As you know Anti ICE protestors – antifa like (some paid) shutdown an ICE office in Portland, OR.   ICE Officers say that the Mayor ordered his police officers to stand down allowing these nut job uneducated protesters to menace ICE employees over the last six weeks – ICE officers also state that some employees were even denied police assistance after they’d left the ICE building, officers said, including one man, a disabled Marine veteran, who was followed and confronted as he went to pick up his daughter from her day camp.

The Mayor is disputing the Officers claims saying 911 calls where addressed but the Officers are not talking about 911 calls – they are talking about the ICE building and the outrageous protest.

A letter of cease-and-desist letter to the city Monday and the ICE Officers are demanding an apology, agree to a meeting and make clear that city police have a duty to respond to citizens in need — even if they work for a federal agency. The letter warns of a lawsuit if the mayor’s response isn’t satisfactory. (I would personally demand more than that).

The Mayor who stated that he supported the protesters and their anti-ICE message may be facing a lawsuit – Let’s Hope!!!!!


